2345 Wyatt Street, Boca Raton

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2345 Wyatt Street, Boca Raton


Welcome to the 5th Conference on Ethics, Religion and Journalism.
It will be a great opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue, network with journalists and learn from other experts from around the world and across disciplines. The interdisciplinary and international focus of the conference attracts world-class speakers and keeps people coming back year after year.

Renowned journalists have commented that the format of the conference allows them to share ideas with younger professionals and learn from the next generation. Many papers will be cutting edge, demonstrating the speakers’ deep mastery of complex topics and offering important new insights. This gives participants the opportunity to build an interdisciplinary and global perspective on the study of ethics, religion and journalism.

In different sections, invited experts will discuss whether it is possible to study to become a social journalist, how to raise money for your projects, whether it is realistic to get on the pages of glossy magazines.

The opening day of the conference will be devoted to the role of religion in peace building, journalism, science and environment. Panelists will reflect on the complexity of religious practice and the dangers of universalization between religious groups. They will explore trust in peacebuilding and how religion can shape our perception of reality.