2345 Wyatt Street, Boca Raton

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2345 Wyatt Street, Boca Raton

First part of the event

09.30 – Gathering and registration of participants
10.00 – Opening. Greeting
10.15 – Performance “Real Religious Organizations – Who Are They?
Presentation of the research results on the professional identity of the religious organizations in the age of changes.
11.15 – Break
11.30 – Discussion and brainstorming “Partnership between Media and Religious Organizations: What Do We Do?
We’ll talk about shared content, opportunities for media projects, journalists’ work experience, horizontal connections and what regional media and religion can do together.
13.00 – Lunch break

In order to provide the society with the most accurate information about the events, trends and problems in religious life as well as qualified expert evaluation, our event will contribute to the formation of a professional community of journalists writing about religion in the central and local media. We are assuming that it is necessary to distinguish between secular journalism about religion and confessional publications whose aim is primarily to preach and inform members of religious communities. There are often misunderstandings and conflicts between journalists working in these different fields. One of our goals is to achieve mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation between journalists of confessional and secular publications.